How to run Checker Nodes

The Checker Node Client currently supports CLI on Ubuntu 18, Ubuntu 22, and CentOS 7.

The minimum requirements for a single checker license are as follows:

  • 256MB Memory, 1 CPU Intel/AMD Core Processor at 2.1 GHz, 20GB HDD/SSD Storage, and 10Mbps Internet Speed.

These resources scale linearly—10 licenses require 10 times the listed resources. While you can run up to 10 licenses on a single Checker Node Client, each additional license increases the Client's throughput requirements for hashing submissions and chain claims.

These requirements apply only to running the Checker Client without other major tasks. If your machine falls below these specifications, licenses may go offline, generate incorrect results, earn reduced rewards, or face banning. Additionally, running multiple Checker Clients on one machine can cause errors.

Running guide for Linux CLI

Download and Install

  1. Download from Kaisar checker site

  1. Change execute mode of files

chmod +x ./
chmod +x ./kaisarChecker
  1. Install prerequisites and environments

sudo ./

Run checker Node

Run Checker CLI

sudo ./kaisarChecker

After running ./kaisarChecker, the terminal will display the main menu of the Kaisar Checker CLI. You can choose an action by entering the corresponding number:

1. Create a new wallet: Generate a new wallet.

2. Import existing wallet: Load an existing wallet into the system.

3. Register checker: Register the checker node with your details.

4. List all licenses: View all available licenses.

Simply type the number of the desired action and press Enter to proceed.

5. Approve licenses: approve a license to Checker node.

Last updated