Calculating Average Monthly Income for Providers
Assuming the expected input information below, we can calculate the average monthly income for each device participating in the Kaisar network.
To calculate monthly revenue for each device, we use the following parameters:
Pool: Monthly bonus pool
Devices: Number of devices
Renting Price: Device rental price
Coverage: Coverage percentage
KAI Price: The price of KAI token
Revenue = (Pool + Coverage x Devices x Renting_Price/KAI_Price)/Devices
For example:
Pool: Monthly reward pool is 1,620,000 KAI (50% Emission)
Devices: Expected number of devices is 100,000 H100 GPUs (Provisional price is $30,000/device)
Renting Price: Rental price is $3,000/device (ROI ~ 10%)
Coverage: Coverage is 50%
KAI Price: KAI price is $0.5
We have the formula to calculate revenue for an H100 GPU as follows:
Revenue = (Pool + Coverage x Devices x Renting_Price/KAI_Price)/Devices
= (1,620,000 + 0.5x100,000x3,000x2)/100000 = 3,016 KAI ~ $1,508
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